St. Thomas' Catholic Kindergarten
eAdmission System
Application for Admission
  1. 申請者可於2024年9月1日早上9時開始至2024年10月31日凌晨期間遞交申請表格。
    Applicants are advised to submit the applications from 1/9/2024 to 31/10/2024.
  2. 報名費用港幣40元正(不獲退回及不可轉讓),可於遞交申請時以轉數快繳付。
    Application Fee: $40 (Non-refundable and Non-transferable), payment can be made via FPS when submitting the application.
  3. 面試時間及詳情會於收妥報名費後以電郵通知家長。Parents will be notified of the interview time and details by email after payment.
  4. 網上報名過程中家長須上載學生證件相、香港出生證明書/身分證/有效居留證明書及學生領洗紙(如有),請家長預先準備妥當。
    Student's Photo, Birth certificate or Identity Document and baptismal certificate (if any) are required to be upload during online application.
  5. 報名後如有任何資料需要更正,請與本園聯絡。
    Please contact us if any information need to change or supplement.
  6. 所提供的個人資料會用作處理幼稚園入學申請之用。申請程序完成後,所有提供資料將被銷毀。根據個人資料(私隱)條例規定,申請人有權要求查閱、更正及更新其個人資料。如有查詢,請與本園聯絡。
    Personal data is provided for processing application for kindergarten admission. After completion of the application procedure, all information provided will be disposed of. In accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, applicants have the right to access, correct and update their own personal data. Please approach the kindergarten for any enquiries.
  7. 報名查詢 Enquiry for admission:
    電話 Tel:2449 9879
    電郵 Email:[email protected]
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